Contact information
To assure that we answer your question as quick and competent as possible, please choose the right department from the list below. We are working together with local sales specialists on the Polish territory. Please contact the right person with your question.
For your convenience we activated a phone line to our office in Nottingham that can be accessed through a polish phone number, charged as an inland phone call.
Please take a look at our Privacy Policy to learn more about how we handle personal data.
Head Office in London
2nd Floor 19 Margaret Street, London W1W 8RR, United Kingdom
+44 207 617 75 23
Fax: +44 207 691 76 60
Customer service office in Nottingham
Chelsea House, Chelsea Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 7HP, United Kingdom
+44 115 970 48 00,
+48 22 780 06 37
The accounting of our company is handled by an extern company. If needed, please contact the Accounts Department under the following phone number.
+48 22 780 06 00
Trade regions
In Poland we are working together with a team of sales specialists in every region. Please select your region of interest and you will find the complete contact information.